She Can Create!

Join She Can! and the ACT Initiative (Artists and Children Together) for an exciting art based program!

Participants in the She Can Create! program will have the opportunity to begin to build skills with using a variety of art media in open-ended ways.  Art and creativity are strong ways for humans to express themselves and the She Can Create! program will allow girls the time to become comfortable with using art materials, while giving them alternate ways of sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Participants will explore self-expression, mental health, mindfulness and social connection throughout their time in the program.

She Can MCRC Logo

Distance education concept. Covid lockdown. Caucasian girl learns to draw online during self-isolation with ACT logo

Learning focuses:

This program has four learning focuses. While the
program will touch on each one, facilitators will
adjust the emphasis depending on the girls’ needs
and interests.

  • Self-expression
  • Mental health
  • Mindfulness
  • Social connection